This is the main screen of the WorldSharp Check Reconciliation System. It has tabs across the top and some of the tabs have additional tabs under them.
This is the screen to enter the account information. The grid will have a row for each account. Once the account is entered or selected, all other screens will have information for that account. In many cases, there will be only one account record.
The 'Enter/Display Items' screen is where detail infomation about the transaction can be entered or displayed. Items on this screen may have been imported or entered by the operator. This screen also has buttons to allow changing the sequence or filtering by date, amount or check (or item) number. Items displayed on this screen may have different colors depending on item type or paid status. For example deposits will be pink.
There are extensive counts and amount totals at the bottom to help manage the the account.
The 'Item Register' screen shows the transactions with most of the important fields spread over 2 rows. Each transaction is diplayed in a different color making it easier to distingquish between transaction type. In the example screen, 'Pink' represents a deposit, 'Blue' represents a paid check, 'Yellow' represents an ACH item and 'White' represents an un-paid check.
In the 'Item List', the transactions are also displayed, however, the items are represented more compactly with each item on one row. The color scheme is the same and the previous screen.
This screen shows the progress of importing of the paid items. The left side of the screen shows the 'Accepted' items (issued items that can be found in the data that have the check number and amount that match and have not been previously marked as paid). The right side of the screen shows items which do not match the data for some reason. Those items might not match or might have already been marked as paid.
Once the items appear to be ready to process, then there is a button to 'post' the 'Accepted' items. Those items will then be marked as paid.
If a file containing the paid items is not available to import, the items may be marked 'paid' on this screen. The operator would simply find an item that is on the bank statement as paid and mark the checkbox in the 'Paid' column.
This screen is used to finalize the reconciliation process. Paid items are imported or marked until the 'New Bank Balance' matches the balance on the statement. Then when the 'Finalize Reconciliation' button is pressed, the reconciled balance is moved to the appropriate field and the 'Paid' totals are set to zero.
The left side of the screen lists the reports that may be printed and right side allows the operator to select which types of transactions are to be included on the report.
There is another area of the system that allows for filtering by date, amount or other fields.
Reports are printed to the screen first and then may be sent to a printer by the operator.
This screen allows the operator to set certain processing and entry options.
The Administration tab is used for such things as backup and restore of the Microsoft Sql Server Database.
This screen is used to specify parameters to be used for importing of 'Issued' items or 'Paid' items.
There can be up to three formats specified for the paid items.
If there is a need to export the transactions to a spreadsheet or file, parameters to format that file are set in this screen.
A variety of transaction types can be specified in the system.
There a few utility functions provided in the system.